Donate to the McCormick Foundation Communities Fund

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Help Chicago Communities Thrive

Thank you for supporting the Robert R. McCormick Foundation’s Communities Fund. Your generosity provides hope and opportunity for fellow Chicagoans who face daily challenges most of us never experience.

100% of your donation goes directly to local nonprofits working with children and families in Englewood and Little Village, two communities where there is both great need and great potential.

McCormick Match

The McCormick Foundation matches funds raised at 50 cents on the dollar. We pay all campaign and administrative expenses, so one hundred percent of all donations, plus the match is granted to qualified nonprofit organizations.

Join Us and Donate

The Robert R. McCormick Foundation is committed to long-term solutions that pay dividends for generations. We concentrate our efforts on Chicago’s South and West Sides, particularly in the Englewood and Little Village neighborhoods and through our partnership with the United Way’s Neighborhood Network.

The success of our investments depends on the strength of organizations that have a passion for their neighborhoods. We work alongside local leaders to help identify community priorities and create a resident-driven strategy that works to improve the quality of life and increase economic opportunity.

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